1872 – Great Miners Demonstration at Mexbro’


1872 June 29 th Leeds Times

Great Miners Demonstration at Mexborough

On Tuesday last, the annual demonstration in connection with the miners employed at the Denaby Main colliery, near Mexborough took place, and, although rain fell nearly all the day, the affair seemed to be a great success.

The men and boys, over 400 in number, employed at the colliery named, met at the Masons Arms, Old Mexborough, and formed a procession. They marched round the village, headed by the Wharncliffe Silkstone brass band and the manner belonging to the Lodge.

On returning dinner was served up in a large tent adjoining the house. After full justice had been done to the repast, a public meeting was held, under the presidency of Mr Smith, of Doncaster, the engineer of the colliery, who expressed the pleasure he had in meeting the men, and hoped success would attend their labours in the ensuing year.

Mr Hewitt, of Doncaster, the cashier of the colliery, together with Mr Patterson (the underground viewer), Mr Clayton (commercial agent), Mr P Casey (one of the secretaries of the South Yorkshire miners Association), Mr Waddle, of Denaby, and Mr Hall (to other workmen) addressed the meeting.

Mr Casey developed an important address on the state of the union, which now numbered between 7000 and 8000 financial members, who had about £14,000 in the bank. He also referred to the feeling in the district with respect to the 10% advance.

The usual vote of thanks brought the meeting to a close