1872 January 20th Leeds Times
A Non-unionist Assaulted by Society Men
Aat the Doncaster police court, on Saturday, John Calderbank, a Collier at Denaby main, was charged with an assault upon another miner, named George Loft, a non-unionist.
Complainant met the defendant and two men respectively named Hodgson and Ratcliff, at the Masons Arms Inn, Mexborough, on the sixth inst, and some conversation took place as to the union.
Calderbank asked Loft if he was a member, and the latter replied that he was not, but consider himself none the worse on that account. Calderbank threatened to “slap him I´t face.” If he didn’t mind what he was saying; and subsequently when he got outside Loft was set upon by all three men, Calderbank striking him in the face, knocking his hat off and a pipe out of his mouth, and eventually went off, leaving Hodgson and Ratcliff still maltreating the man.
A policeman however, making his appearance, the other two men made off, Loft having it was shown, suffered considerably at their hands.
Calderbank was now fined 20 shillings and costs, or two months imprisonment, and warrants were issued for the apprehension of the other men.