Sheffield Independant – 1873 August 27th
Little after 12 o’clock on Tuesday morning a violent thunderstorm broke over Conisborough, accompanied by vivid sheet lightning, hailstones as large as marbles falling, until in front of the Priory the ground was quite covered.
The post and telegraph office windows were broken by the hailstorms, and the inmates, were terrified at the fantastic play of the electrical fluid upon the single wire across the street.
The storm lasted about an hour and a half, and during the first part of the lightning was so vivid that the trees and cut grain could be seen in the fields for miles distinctly. In the district a piece of ice has been picked up as large as an egg.
Within the memory of the oldest inhabitant such as storm has not been known, and the wonder is with such a deluge that more damage has not been done. It still rains heavily, and the farmers are afraid the grain in the fields will soon begin to sprout.