Denaby Utd – Annual Dinner – Presentation of Medals

June 1905

Mexborough and Swinton Times June 10, 1905

Denaby Football Club
Annual Dinner
Presentation of Medals

The annual dinner of Denaby United Football Club was held at the Reresby Arms Hotel on Thursday evening, nearly 70 of the members sat down an excellent repast, admirably provided and served by the host, Mr Thomas Weston, the menu being as follows:

Sue – oxtail; joints – roast beef, roast mutton, roast lamb; removes – roast chicken, boiled chicken, York ham; sweets – pastries, jellies, plum pudding, cheese, celery and salad.

Mr C Bury presided over subsequent proceedings, and among the gathering, which assembled in the concert room, were Messrs Percy Bury, J. Soar, J.C. Morton, W. Wright, George Farmer, J. Soar, junior, G.L.Robinson, E. Sheldon, R. Dunne, T. Peters, S. Allerton, A. Wharton, T. Athron, T. Weston, the majority of the players and George Cutts, the trainer.

The Chairman briefly proposed “The King,” which was loyally acknowledged. Mr T Oldfield called upon to saying “something appropriate,” gave “Reign, Edward, Reign!

The Queen, Prince and Princess of Wales and rest of the Royal Family was then proposed and loyally honoured.

Mr James Morton (Woodhouse) who represented the Sheffield and Hallamshire Association proposed “the Denaby United Football Club.” He said he did not regard his presence there as a duty, but he looked upon it as a real pleasure. (Hear, hear.) He had known Denaby United from its infancy. He remembered the starting of the club, and he was sure the committee and players had something to be proud of in the record of the club, and the people of Denaby and district ought to be proud of the players and committee.

Speaking of the club, he did not speak as a stranger, but as one who knew something about the players, officials and spectators. Regards the players he had often been surprised when they are had somebody from Denaby before the committee at Sheffield. His experience of the Denaby team has always been of the most kind and pleasurable character. (Hear, hear.) He had never had to complain of the Denaby team, or take harsh measures with any of them. This was in a great measure due to the committee. If the club was conducted on straightforward businesslike lines, they will find that not only was the business of the officials conducted properly, but the latter would see that their players conduct themselves properly. (Hear, hear.)

It was said they were a rough lot at Denaby but he had never seen anything but what was right Denaby. Had never had their ground suspended, or even reported, and assure the spectators conduct themselves as fairly as they can expect them. (Applause.)

He congratulated them upon the elevation of Mr Dunn to the Management Committee of the Midland League, and he wished the club success in the Midland League. (Hear, hear.) He was glad they were one of the clubs which were loyal to Sheffield; he thought they would win the Wharncliffe Cup, and he wished they had done it, for he thought the honours should be divided. The suggestion which the Denaby club made the cup should be out six months by the Denaby club and six months by Wednesday was a good one, and he wished it had been carried out. (Applause.) He did not believe in league competitions been decided by goal averages. (Hear, hear.)

Mr W Wright, responding, said one thing he like to hear Mr Morton say, was that he believed in equality. He believed what he said was perfectly true, and that the question of goal average ought not to be allowed to decide a League competition. (Hear, hear.) As they knew, if they had a man lame that fall back upon an inferior player, while if one of the reserve teams of the First and Second league clubs was injured, they had always a first-class man to put in his place. Denaby United were now in third competition of the Northern Counties, and he believes the time will come when they would enter the second division of the league. (Laughter and here, here.) And he would never be satisfied until they won the English Cup and beat all the football well put together. (Laughter and loud applause.)

Mr H Allen sang “The upper ten,” very humorously.

Mr H Dunn proposed “Mr Chambers and the Denaby and Cadeby Collieries Company Limited.” In speaking of Mr Chambers he said he could only refer to him in the dearest of terms, for Mr Chambers was the father of the club. He had always taken the deepest interest in their welfare, and always been ready whenever they had approached him to help them in whatever way they desired it. They will remember three years ago they had not an enclosed ground. They were in a dilemma, and they laid their case before Mr Chambers, who undertook to help them out of their difficulty. He thought they were correct in saying that the fencing of the ground cost the Denaby Co. £156.

Two seasons ago when they held the sports and had the misfortune to have a financial failure – when they approached Mr Chambers, who handed them a cheque for £25 – to make up their loss.
To come to a more recent date, only fortnight ago Mr Chambers gave their chairman cheque for £20 more. (Applause) What day Mr Chambers asked them to do in return for all these graces he conferred upon them. Nothing impossible. All he asked them to do was to conduct themselves like men and try to make the club a credit to the district. (Applause.)

With regard to the colliery company, if they had no colliery Company, they would not have any Denaby United Football Club, and all of them walk for the success of the football club was all for the success of the great concern which found them employment. It was then interest that the firm should go on and prosper, for when they prosper Denaby prosper. One more reference to Mr Chambers. He ought that he would remain for many years in their mitts to guide them in their daily labours, and help them to promote sport for the recreation of the people. (Applause.)

The toast was drunk with enthusiasm.

The Chairman, in reply said he would only say he would tell Mr Chambers what very kind words are being used in proposing the toast, and he was sure he would be gratified. He could say, however, as Mr Dunn had just said, all Mr Chambers wish for was that the club should be properly conducted, and that it should win and be a credit to the town.

Mr John Soar then presented the members of the team with the gold medals awarded them by the Sheffield Association as runners-up in the Wharncliffe Cup Competition, Jim Hancock, Bill Lawley and Pat Torr taking the opportunity of making a few appropriate remarks of acknowledgement.

Mr John Soar afterwards thanked the club for the honour they had done him in selecting him to present the medals. He was glad, although the club did not start very well, that he had stuck to them, for they had thoroughly justified the loyalty of their supporters. He thought they had a lot of very respectable young fellows in the team now, glad to see them when they went to play a match go out in a collar and tie, instead of with a piece of string round their necks. (Laughter.) He hoped they would make a better start next season, and a better finish, too, by winning the Midland league. (Applause.)

Mr Morton proposed “The Hosts and Hostess,” which was very enthusiastic acknowledge, musical honours being again accorded.

Mr Thomas Weston, in response, said the credit for providing the dinner belong to Mrs Weston and the servants, for he had been ordered to keep out of the kitchen and give them a free hand. (Laughter). The Denaby United Football Club was the first he had taken an interest in, and he followed its doings with the greatest attention. He was particularly proud to hear the players so well spoken of, and all they would always have the same respectable class of players. (Applause.)

After Mr Oldfield had given “The Bandolero,” and “Asleep in the deep,” Mr Willoughby sung “Felt sorry,” and Mr Allen had contributed a song and dance, “Cordialia Malone.” A vote of thanks was recorded Mr, with Further Musical Honours, and the Proceedings Concluded with the National Anthem.