The Fatality At Cadeby.

March 1903

March 6th 1903 S. Townsend

Age 23 Driver Run over by Tubs

Much sympathy is expressed with the relatives of the young man S. Townsend, who unfortunately met his death in the Cadeby Main Colliery at the end of last week. The deceased who was twenty three years old was employed as a pony driver, and had only been at work about three weeks. The inquest was held on Monday, when a verdict of “Accidental Death” was returned by the jury.

The Fatality At Cadeby.

On Monday, the coroner, held an inquest at the Reresby Arms, Denaby Main, touching the death of Samuel Townsend ( 23 ) who had been employed as a pony-driver at the Cadeby pit.

From the evidence of James Ancotes, collier, the deceased took away a full tub of dirt away at about 12-45 p.m. on Friday, nothing more was seen of him until about 2-30 p.m., when his dead body was discovered by John Roberts, his filler, under a tub, half-way down the incline.

It is supposed that the deceased failed to put the locker in the tub before proceeding down the incline, and that he was in front of it, when it overpowered him, and knocked him down, with fatal results.

The jury, of which Mr. Samuel Spruce was foreman, returned a verdict of “Accidental Death.”

Deceased was a native of Bradford, and was sent there for burial by an afternoon train from Conisbrough.

Whilst following his usual employment as a miner at the Denaby Main Colliery, Mr. Eli Soar, brother of the undermanager Mr. John Soar, sustained a compound fracture of the leg. He was removed to the Montagu Hospital, where he is now progressing as favourably as possible.



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