Denaby Main Dispute.
Offer over a Whiskey Jug
Another week has passed without any material alteration made in the position of affairs in connection with the above dispute. A laughable incident relating to the doings of a deputation which attended the Reresby Arms on Monday last is worth repeating.
It appears that while the committee were engaged in transacting their usual business at the Lodge room, Masons arms, Doncaster road, a message was received stating that a gentleman was at Mr Slater’s, prepared to meet a deputation as to settlement of the dispute.
Accordingly 11 delegates were at once deputed to attend upon the gentleman, and dispatch with all haste. On arriving at Denaby they were at once met by the gentleman, (an engineer at the colliery), who had desired their attendance.
After requesting them to fill their glasses from a whiskey jug, which was freely done, he said that his object in sending was to inform them that the manager had originally intended not to reopen the pit only at 4 ½ d reduction, but he was of the opinion that if they would accept a reduction of 3 ½ d. then the manager would meet them and the pit be reopened, and the dispute settled.
After much persuasion, together with more calls upon the jug, the delegates withdrew, many of them deeply affected with the gentleman’s eloquence but, a few of them being so weakened that they could not keep their equilibrium.
However, the Lodge room was reached, but being too much affected as the result of their proceedings this was not made known to the men until early next morning, when it was decided to reject the proposals offered, they not being of a satisfactory nature.
The deputation would, no doubt not object to paying another visit to the Reresby Arms under similar circumstances.