Denaby Main – Mexborough Victoria 2 Denaby 5

October 1885

Mexborough and South Yorkshire Times October 9, 1885

Mexborough Victoria 2 Denaby Main 5

This match was played on the ground of the former on Saturday. The visitors kicked off against the wind, and were soon invading the home Citadel, one of the home backs played the ball out, which resulted in a corner for the visitors. Nothing occurred from this point, and the home forwards were getting possession quickly carried the globe into the visitors quarter, were shot at goal was made which proved too good for the goalkeeper, he not being in his place.

On being restarted the leather was quickly as from one end of the ground over. Wright, one of the home halfbacks, scored another goal by a splendid shot from the centre of the field. The visitors now warmed up to their work, and Phillips made a fine run on the left, passing to the Beardsley, who scored the first goal for his side. A few minutes after this, however, matters were equalised. The visitors again took the ball near the home goal, and Phillips scored again just before half-time.

On the change of ends the Denaby-ites had the wind in their favour, and the forwards carried the ball in from of the Mexborough Fortress, when Upton scored again. On resumption the visitor’s forwards cross in good style, and Beardsley sent in a short pass over the head of the goalkeeper and struck the crossbar, when Beaumont rushed up and scored another goal. Soon after this the ball burst, and the game terminated in favour of the visitors by 5 goals to 2.

The visitor’s backs showed good form, no one in particular distinguished himself.

Team: Shephard; Nolan and Holland; Wrigley Rogers and Upton; Bowman, Beardsley, Phillips, Cane and Beaumont