South Yorkshire Times November 17, 1945
Sacrifices Not In Vain.
Christianity Growing Says Conisbro’ Vicar
There was a large congregation at Conisbrough Parish Church on Sunday morning, including strong contingents from the British Legion and the Home Guard, led by Major P. Brocklesby, and ex-members of other war-time organisations, together with Boy Scouts, St. John Ambulance and Nursing Brigades.
In his address the Vicar, the Rev. G. F. Braithwaite, said that in addition to it being a service of remembrance for the dead of two wars, it was a service of re-dedication, to dedicate ourselves to the building of a Christian world where the iniquity of war was impossible. He knew that similar words had been spoken before and some people began to think them hollow words.
So little had been done since the last war and it appeared that we had not profited from the lesson of it.
Some thought that the losses and the grief were wasted, but he could not agree. Nothing so sacrificed could ever be wasted. We might as well say the same of Christ on Calvary, and ask why is it that there should still be the inhumanity and injustice He died to prevent. The world to-day had profited by His death. The proportion who live Christian lives had increased throughout the world. Christianity was not on the down grade, it was still growing. The Christian ideal had remained with us. And so the sacrifice of both wars was not wasted.
‘We can’t hope that the world will go on without dispute and bloodshed. In spite of Christianity, there will still be those who don’t like our way of life. We should overcome them not by force of arms, but by the strength of our faith.’
After the service in church a parade led by choir, went to the War Memorial in Coronation Park for a short service, and the laying of wreaths on behalf of the British Legion. Home Guard, Boy Scouts, Ambulance Brigade, Gunner H. peters and Sergt. H. K. Moody.