Fatal Slip

January 1936

Mexborough and Swinton Times January 3, 1936

Fatal Slip

How an elderly lady slipped and fell on the ice covered path of the back garden of her home, and died from shock following a fracture of the left thigh, sustained in the accident, was told at the inquest held at Denaby Main on Saturday by the Doncaster District Coroner (Mr W.H.Carlile).

The inquest was on Lewis Jackson, widow (71), 37 Bolton Street, Denaby Main.

Evidence of identification was given by her daughter, Hilda Louis Hall (Malik), with whom she lived, and Percy Hall (son-in-law) who said that on Sunday morning he was getting washed in the kitchen. Mrs Jackson went out to empty the teapot. He heard her shout and going outside, found her lying on the path. She told him she thought she had broken her leg. She had walked down the path to open the gate, but had slipped before she got there. The yard was in a very slippery condition at the time.

Dr J McArthur gave medical evidence as stated, and the Coroner recorded a verdict of “Accidental death.”