Mexborough and Swinton Times January 10, 1936
Requests for New Infants School
Conisborough Education Committees Move
Police Supervision on Roads
At their monthly meeting yesterday the Conisborough Education Subcommittee, Mr H Gomersall presiding, decided to ask the West Riding Education Committee for a new infants school for Conisborough, and for structural alterations to Morley Place School, so that better class accommodation and an Assembly Hall could be provided.
The reverent W.J.G.Pascoe, who move the resolution, said, that the Government had decided to do something for nursery development, and the time was opportune to ask for something to be done at Conisborough stop there was to be a housing estate at Conanby, and the consequent transference of children from one area to another. He suggested that in view of the development that had taken place both nationally and locally the committee should ask for something big. They were a bit behind the times are Conisborough, and if they asked for a new infants school they would probably get it. He suggested that at the same time they should ask for the remodelling of Morley Place School.
Mrs Wright said that a slum clearance was going to bring a lot of children into Conisborough.
Mr Pascoe added that the bottom end of the village were developing far faster than the other end, and there was no need for further school down Doncaster Road.
In reply to Mr Macfarlane, the Clerk said there had been no reply from Wakefield to the letter from the Conisborough committee asking whether in the event of a strike any arrangements could be made to feed children.
A further reference was made to the councils attempt to release supervision of children leaving Morley Place and Station Road schools. It was reported the committee a month ago that the Superintendent replied that the police strength at Conisborough was not sufficient to permit this supervision. The committee wrote again asking for reconsideration of the matter, and yesterday the Clerk (Mr F.B.Stockdale) said he had received a formal reply from the police stating that they would send a further communication.
Mr Gomersall said he did not see why Conisborough should not have the same police supervision as Doncaster. Whether they were not sufficiently he did not know, but in Conisborough it policeman had left the district and his place had not yet been filled.
The Clerk reported that in reply to the Committee’s letter to the County expressing dissatisfaction with the Denaby Main School premises he had received a letter stating that the tenders for the alterations had been advertised.
The Chairman: We are making progress.
Mrs Wright asked whether there was any provision for nursery class, and whether it was too late now to include these in the plans.
Father Holohan said this would mean a recast of the whole of the plans, and it would delay the matter six months. There would be plenty of room when the schools were finished.