Obituary – Mr. Irad Webster – Conisbrough Co-op. Pioneer (picture)

July 1946

South Yorkshire Times, July 27th, 1946

Mr. I. Webster.
Conisbrough Co-op. Pioneer.


First manager of Conisbrough Working Man’s Co-operative Society and for several years a local councillor, Mr. Irad Webster (78), of ‘Mon-Abrl,’ Park Road, Conisbrough, died on Saturday.

Mr. Webster, who was a native of Sheffield, came to Conisbrough more than 50 years ago. For eight years he was in partnership with his brother-in-law in a local business, and between 1900 and 1901 joined Conisbrough Working Men’s Co-operative Society as Manager, a position he held until his retirement eleven years ago.

In 1924 he was elected an Urban Councillor representing the South Ward. He as re-elected in 1927, when his son, Mr. John Irad Webster joined him on the Council. In 1928 his other son, Mr. Charles Etches Webster was also elected Councillor. Mr. Webster retired from the Council in 1930. During the 1914-18 war he served on Food supply Committees, and as at one time chairman of Conisbrough Convalescent Home and Hospital Committee and the War Memorial Committee.

He had been connected with the Baptist Church since he came to Conisbrough, and had been treasurer for over 40 years. His wife died six years ago and he is survived by two sons.

Tributes to Mr. Webster were paid at the funeral service in the Baptist Church on Tuesday, which was attended by many residents of the town. The Rev. C. Woodyatt (Doncaster) conducted the service, and Mr. W. J. Edgington, J.P. (Kirk Sandall) spoke of Mr. Webster’s public work and his service to the Baptist cause for over a quarter of a century.