Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 26 August 1927
Denaby’s New Vicar
Warm Welcome to Rev. S. Powley and Mrs. Powley.
The parishioners of Denaby Main welcomed their new Vicar, the Rev. S. Powley, and Mrs. Powley, at meeting held in the large hall at Denaby last night.
Mr. W. Wilkinson, vicar’s warden presided, supported by officers of the Church, and the Rev. J. E. Riley, superintendent of the South Yorkshire Coalfields Wesleyan Mission.
A concert was given by Mr. A. E. Berry, Master R. Young, and members of the Boys’ and Girls’ Bible Classes.
The Chairman expressed the indebtedness of the Church the lay readers of the deanery for the great assistance they had rendered during the seven months they had been without a Vicar. The officers of the church also welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Powley, and the Rev. Riley, adding his welcome, said there were still obstacles between them, but wanted to assure Mr. and Mrs. Powley that whenever the opportunity occurred was ready work with any Christian in the place. If they could not get together in open unity they could pray for each other and bear one another with kindly wishes and sympathy.
Mr. Powley, replying for himself and his wife, said thought the future was full of promise for Denaby Main.