Conisboro Cyclist’s Feat (picture)

July 1938

South Yorkshire Times July 1938

Conisboro Cyclist’s Feat

George Logan, the young Conisborough cyclist, now residing in Nottingham, went a step nearer to gaining the national championship by beating his closest rivals, Earnshaw of Monckton in the Sharrow C.C.’s annual “50”.

Out of a field of 100 Logan beat Earnshaw by 19 secs., covering the distance in 2 hours nine minutes 40 seconds.

Logan also won the handicap in 2hrs. 3mins. 40secs. I In all their meetings this season Earnshaw has only beaten Logan once. The Vegetarian C.C., for whom Logan now rides, gained the second team place.

In addition to Logan’s successes of this season, which have duly appeared in these columns, he recently made a successful attack on the Isle of Man , “25” mile time trial and succeeded in knocking nearly three minutes off the previous best set up by a local rider. Longan’s time for this race was l hr. Three minutes 46secs, In Sunday’s big event Logan, who returned to racing alter a.short break, had the satisfaction of remit-mg his fastest time yet.