Sheffield Independent – Saturday 06 April 1889
The South Yorkshire Coalfield.
Pits of the Future.
As has already been stated in the Independent, the Denabv Main Colliery Company are about to sink a new shaft at Conisbro’.
At Denaby the coal was reached at a depth of 449 yards, and the thickness of the seam upwards of 10 feet. But the measures dip from a point known as Melton-on-the-Hill, at no great distance from Conisbro’, at a rate of 40 yards to the mile as far as Frodingham. The coal at Conisbro’ will be much deeper than that at Denaby, where the limestone had not to be pierced, and at Doncaster, in all probability, the thick seam will be met with at a depth of from 650 to 670 yards.
As regards the Doncaster coalfield, it may be said that for many years past the question of opening out the valuable deposits of coal that are known to permeate the town and district, and extending more especially a long way to the east into Lincolnshire, has been discussed, and for some time borings have been going on at Bentley for the purpose of proving the measures, and their probable thickness and depth from the surface ; and there is an estate of upwards of 5000 acres, which it is expected will be opened out before long to the coal measure. The Barnsley seam will be first sunk, which, at Doncaster, is likely to be from eight to nine feet in thickness.
The Doncaster field, which includes Askern, will add greatly to the producing power of the West Riding, as the area is estimated by Mr. lbeson at 16 miles by 14, with 17 seams of workable coal, the total under the formations in Doncaster and the adjoining districts being 9676 millions tons.
In addition to this, as the coal will no doubt be found at Crowle, Epworth, and Keadby, at which latter place the Trent is to be made navigable to Hull and the sea for vessels of considerable burden. There will be a considerable saving in the cost of transport for fuel exported abroad as well as to our home ports.
The Lincolnshire field of coal will consequently not only be the newest in the kingdom of any importance, but it the same time one of the most prolific in England it least, and having the great advantage of proximity to a shipping port.