Missing Denaby Youth – Has He Wandered to Worksop.

June 1909

Sheffield Independent – Thursday 24 June 1909

Missing Denaby Youth.

Has He Wandered to Worksop.

The West Riding police were notified yesterday of the disappearance of a Denaby youth named George Boyer, who lives with his parent, at 84 Doncaster road, Denaby.

He has not been seen since Monday night, and the difficulties are increased because of the youth’s inability to speak properly.

He is 17 years of age. 5ft. 4in. in height, clean shaven face, and dark brown hair. He walks with a stoop, and speaks with difficulty. He would not be able tell his name if asked. Generally he is seen smoking a clay pipe.

At the Worksop Board of Guardians  yesterday, the master of the house reported that a young man aged from 18 to 20 years of age had been brought into the house, as he had been found wandering between Carlton and Worksop on the previous day, and could give no account of himself..

They had tested him by every possible means, but he appeared to have lost his memory, and could give no account of himself whatever.

A pencil and slate had been supplied to him in the hope that in a lucid moment in my write down his name and address, but without any satisfactory result.

All that could be got out of it was that his name was George and he wanted to go home. It was decided to leave pencil and paper within his reach, to have him exercise under supervision in the garden, and to advertise a description of him in the daily papers.