Conisbro Policeman Assaulted

December 1899

Mexborough and Swinton Times December 22, 1899

Conisbro Policeman Assaulted

George Carroll, a big robust miner, was in custody on a charge of being drunk and disorderly on the 14th inst. He was also charged with having assaulted police constable Duffy at the same time and place.

When formally charged with the offence named the prisoner replied that he was so drunk that he scarcely knew anything about it.

Police constable Duffin stated that at 10:40 o’clock on Thursday night, the 14th inst, he was on duty in Station Road, Conisborough, in company with Sergeant Brown, when he saw the defendant, who was very drunk, and making use of some very filthy language. When they asked him his name and address he said he was “Tipperary Mick.” He fell down onto the ground, and the officers lifted him up. The prisoner then said he could lift the pair of them. At the same time he kicked the witness severely on his leg. The disturbance caused by the defendant was very great indeed, and he used some of the most filthy language imaginable.

When they got him to the police station he hit  the sergeant on the mouth, and knocked him onto a form. He had to be held down before he could be searched.

There was nothing previously known against the prisoner, and he was fined five shillings and 7/6 costs for having been drunk and 20 shillings and 7s costs for assaulting the police.

The Chairman said that if there had been a previous conviction against the prisoner he would have been sent to prison without the option of a fine.