Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Friday 02 May 1890
Fatally Crushed At Denaby Main Colliery.
Yesterday Mr. D. Wightman, coroner, held an inquiry at the Reresby Arms, Denaby Main, touching the death of Edward John Hammond, who was fatally crushed by some waggons in the Denaby Main Colliery yard on Tuesday evening, dying from his injuries on the following morning.
Mr. J. Gerrard, assistant inspector mines, was present, and Mr. W. H. Chambers, manager, watched the proceedings on behalf the company.
The Coroner and the Inspector said they had no power to enforce the putting down of a parallel line of rails, and verdict of ” Accidentally killed was returned
Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Thursday 01 May 1890
Fatal Accident at Denaby Main
Late on Monday night an engine driver named Edward Hammond, employed the Denaby Main Colliery yard, sustained injuries from which he died early yesterday morning.
It appears that Hammond was engaged along with others in superintending the hauling a stiff steel wire, when it caught him and crushed him against some masonry, breaking his ribs and otherwise injuring him.
Deceased lived at Denaby