Damages For Slain Lamb

May 1910

Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Saturday 14 May 1910

Damages For Slain Lamb

At the Doncaster West Riding Police Court to-day, Thomas Parrish, collier, of Conisborough. was ordered pay Thomas Henry Braithwaite, farmer, of Windmill Farm, Conisborough, 30s. damages and the costs of the case, arising out of a claim by complainant to the effect that the defendant’s dog had killed a fat lamb, which he valued at £2, on the morning of April 29th.

James Potts, farm labourer, said he saw a dog with a lamb on the ground. The dog had eaten all the breast of the lamb away, and the entrails were hanging out. He followed the dog to the defendant’s house and found the defendant’s name on its collar, and evidences of it having attacked the lamb.

Defendant said the dog had not been let out of his house the time it was stated that it had attacked the lamb.