19 Year Old Died In Motorcycle Accident.

July 1969

South Yorkshire Times, July 19th, 1969.

19 Year Old Died In Motorcycle Accident.

A Funeral procession from Denaby Parish Church on Tuesday was headed by two motor cycles and a police escort, and followed by well over 50 motor cycles, along the route to Doncaster Crematorium seven miles away.

The procession was a tribute to 19 years old Robert Glennie, of 37, Cliff View, Denaby, who died in Doncaster Royal Infirmary on Monday after his motorcycle had been in collision with a car in Sheffield Road, Conisbrough, the day before. Before the funeral service at Denaby, friends of Robert had filed past his coffin. Well over 80 teenagers, both boys and girls, had paid their last respects to Robert.

The teenagers, dressed in motorcycle gear, later formed a guard of honour as the coffin was taken into Church.

Crowded Church

A Crowded Church heard the Rev. W. J. Parker, Rector of Barnburgh, give a brief address.

The funeral cortege then moved off with two motor cycles, ridden by Roberts close friends, one carrying his girlfriend on the pillion at the front. Denaby and Doncaster Police diverted traffic along the route to Rosehill Crematorium. Other friends in cars and vans followed the party.

Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glennie, was the member of a Bramley motor cycle club and cycle members from as far as Rotherham and Sheffield attended the funeral.

Mr. Glennie told the “South Yorkshire Times” this week. “I invited Roberts friends to come along with their motorcycles as i thought this would be what he would have wanted. He had made a lot of close friends since he first owned his motorbike.

Robert, and apprentice electrician at Cadeby Colliery, was a former pupil at Conisbrough Northcliffe High School. He was a Keen Rotherham United supporter and had followed the team all over the country.

A collection taken from among his friends amounted to well over £20.