Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 25 June 1910
Trespassers in Denaby Wood
More Heavy Penalties to be imposed
Some Mexborough and Denaby people are still under the impression that they are free to take a walk in Denaby Woods.
Mr. J. S. H. Fullerton the owner says that a good deal of damage has been done to the place through people trespassing and he is determined to put a stop to people going there.
Four Mexboreo people, Joseph Dudhill and Sydney Butterfield, miners, with Lily Wragg and Minnie Shaw, single women, were in the woods on the evening of Sunday, June 5th, and they were up for doing wilful damage to the underwood. All defendants appeared except Butterfield.
Mr. Gichard, prosecuting, said people had made a footpath through the wood, although they had absolutely no right to go there. For some months past, a great deal of damage had been done to the underwood and trees through people trespassing. Mr. Fullerton had caused notices to be put up at different prints in the property, but as these were of no avail he bad to bring defendants to court.
There had been, from time to time, twenty people prosecuted for these offences, but, notwithstanding, the practices still continued. Defendants in this case were respectable people, and it was rather for the sake of an example that they were brought there. He trusted that after this warning these offences would cease, but if they continued he (Mr . Gichard) would have to ask for heavy penalties.
Robert Dobeon, keeper, said there was no public right of way through Denaby Woods. On the Sunday in question he saw the four defendants in the wood– about a mile and a quarter away from the public highway. They did damage to the amount of sixpence each.
P.c. Ramsey, who was in company with the last witness, corroborated his evidence.
Dudhill told the Bench they were so taken up with the scenery that they quite overlooked the notices. The female defendants had nothing to say. Dudhill and the two girls were fined 4d. each and ordered to pay the costs (11/6), and the damage (6d.). Butterfield was ordered to pay 2/4, with costs, and 6d. damage.
William Dutton, hairdresser, Conisboro’ and May Reynolds, single, Mexboro, were prosecuted for a similar offence on Sunday, June 12th. Mr. Gichard, who again prosecuted, said he had received a letter from the male defendant, regretting that, owing to business, he would be unable to attend Court. He was sorry for the offence, which would not be committed again. It would give him great pleasure to pay the fine for both himself and the lady.
Each defendant was fined 6d. damage, and costs.
The Chairman hoped the defendants would take these cases as a warning. In future, offenders would be dealt with severely.