100 Years’ Cricket

19 July 1969

South Yorkshire Times July 19, 1969

100 Years’ Cricket

It will be centenary year for Conisbrough Cricket Club next year, and discussions are already underway to decide the best way to celebrate this event.

A dinner dance will begin celebrations in April at the Phoenix Rooms, Rotherham. Other ideas are being collected by a special committee, but no final decision will be made until the annual meeting in November.

Club President, Mr. A. Chadwick, a teacher at Northcliffe school, Conisbrough, said, “We asked for ideas at the annual dinner last year and now we are mulling over them. We are hoping for gala days, a fair, garden party and special matches. If people are willing we will try to play a match in fancy dress.

“It has been suggested that we make a booklet to uncover the history of the club from records that are available.

“No other definite arrangements have as yet been made.”