Denaby’s Happy Situation.

September 1920

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 25 September 1920

Denaby’s Happy Situation.

If Denaby Main is deprived of the honour of becoming a region of Conisboro’, it will be compensated with a fine central recreation ground, to be provided by the Denaby and Cadeby Colliery Company, and a war memorial park, furnished mainly from the same source.

Denaby is thus in the happy position of having something to hope from either event—the enlightened administration of the Conisboro’ Urban Council, or a substantial addition to the amenities of Denaby Main.

If the worst comes to the best, Denaby will still have a recreation ground, but the children will not be able to get into it by any lawful means of access unless a local aeroplane service is instituted by the Conisboro’ Council.

It is clear that they are not to have all their cake immediately, and that it is not to be buttered on both sides. To change the metaphor, it is to be either a dish of herbs where love is, or a stalled ox and hatred therewith.