Gallant Rescues – Life-Saving at Mexborough and Denaby.

September 1930

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 05 September 1930

Gallant Rescues.

Life-Saving at Mexborough and Denaby.

Two gallant rescues from drowning occurred in the Mexboro’ district last weekend.

On Friday evening, John Joseph Brookes (13), of 1, Glasshouse Row, Denaby, brought of the rescue of James Williams (10), of 27, Loversall Street, Denby.

Williams and another little boy were fishing in the Don on what is known as the “Sandbeds,” 200 yards or so from Brook’s home. It is understood that Williams overbalanced, and fell into the water.

His playmate immediately ran to Brookes home, and Brookes ran to the scene, undressing on the way. With one boot on and the other off, he dived into the river and caught Williams as he was sinking finally. Williams struggled, and Brookes was in an exhausted condition when he brought him to the bank. The rescued lad was then unconscious, and was brought round by artificial respiration applied by Brookes’s mother and neighbours.

Brookes is a pupil at the Conisboro Middle School.

The other rescue took place near the Mexboro’ Toll Bar on Sunday afternoon, while Walter Gough (16), of 29, West Street Mexboro’, and Charles Speight, of Brookfield, Avenue, Swinton, noticed several children fishing in the canal. Suddenly screams were heard, and the two, running to the spot, saw Frank W. Croxford, aged 8, of Denaby, sinking in the water.

Fully dressed, Gough plunged in and quickly got the child out, little the worse for its immersion. Gough, however, ruined his best suit of clothes.