Mexborough & Swinton Times – March 26, 1949
Nominations for April Elections
Many Unopposed Returns
New Councillors at Dearne and Darfield
Labour’s firm hold on this part of South Yorkshire was demonstrated yesterday when nominations for next month’s West Riding County Council elections revealed that in Conisbrough, Darfield and Thurnscoe, Dearne, Mexborough, Swinton and Wath Divisions Labour candidates all had unopposed returns.
There will, however, be two new Councillors at Dearne Coun. Alan Beaney succeeds County Coun, A. Fouchard; and at Darfield and Thurnscoe, Colin Henry Clarney succeeds County Coun. John Potts.
Alan Beaney (Lab.) miner, 190, Houghton Road, Thurnscoe.
Coun. Beaney, vice-chairman of Dearne Urban Council, has been a member of that authority since its formation 12 years ago. Official of Hickleton Main N.U.M. branch and treasurer of Dearne District Labour Party. Some time ago he took part in a mining broadcast with Mr. Frank Doxey, then agent at Hickleton.
George Morrison Hanson (Lab.), miner, 14, Glasshouse Lane, Mexborough.
Coun. Hanson, chairman of Mexborough Urban Council Finance Committee, has been a member of the County Council since 1943. Nominee of National Union of Mineworkers. Member of the County Public Health, Town and Country Planning and the General Purposes Committee and a County representative on the West Riding Rivers Board.
Maurice Creighton (Lab.), retired railwayman, Station Street, Swinton
County Coun. Creighton, four times chairman of Swinton Urban Council, has been Swinton’s County councillor since 1944. Has been a member of Swinton Council since 1919. Retired from railway service in November, 1947, after 40 years on the footplate. Joined the railway in 1900.
Benjamin Roberts (Lab.), checkweighman, 68. Elm Green Lane, Conisbrough.
County Coun. Roberts, J.P., chairman of Conisbrough Urban Council has represented Conisbrough on the County Council nearly 18 years. Former president of Cadeby Main N.U.M. branch. Member of the West Riding Standing Joint Committee.
Darfield and Thurnscoe
Henry Clarney ( Lab.). 37, Nanny Marr Road Darfield.
Coun. Clarney has twice been chairman of Darfield Urban Council. He began work in the pit at 12 ½ and began to hew coal at 19. Two years later he was acting as workmen’s inspector. Later he came to Yorkshire as a deputy and became a full-time official of Yorkshire Deputies’ Association formed in 1911. Appointed president in 1913, he was a member of the Executive Committee of the General Federation of Colliery Deputies from its inception. He was elected president a second time in 1923.
County Coun. Cutts. J.P., three times chairman of Wath Urban Council, has been member of the County Council for Wath for 15 Years. Member of the County Education, Highways and Agricultural committees, and a county representative on the River Ouse Catchment Board.