Motor Torpedo Boat 215

April 1942

South Yorkshire Times, April 25, 1942

M.T.B. 215

A letter from Petty Officer A. E. Wright, of the Motor Torpedo Boat 215, the ship adopted by Conisbrough during Warship Week, acknowledging receipt of Christmas cards sent by local school children to members of the crew, has been received by the head teacher of Morley Place Council Junior School (Mr. J. Proctor).

Petty Officer Wright writes: “We acknowledge the Christmas cards received safely, which we deeply appreciate. We feel very proud indeed for being adopted by the people of Conisbrough. Although we are a little ship we hope to play our part in this struggle and mean to see it through to the only conclusion—Victory.

We think the cards are unique and some of them are quite a novelty, especially Peter John’s ‘ Don’t Miss The Boat,’ also the inspiring message from Alan Boot. We congratulate the townspeople of Conisbrough on their grand effort in Warship Week, and conclude by thanking you once again for what you have done and are doing for us.”