Conisborough’s Humble Neighbour

April 1933

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 14 April 1933

Conisborough’s Humble Neighbour

Conisborough has remembered its humble neighbour at last, and has come along with a shy offer of wayside seats. The parishioners of Old Denaby ought to have accepted them like a shot, without prejudice to their right to reject any other advances. For they are splendid seats—we will say that tor the Conisboro’ Urban District Council; they have provided this particular amenity more generously, sensibly, and efficiently than I have seen it done elsewhere. The seats are of stout timber, comfortably shaped, with supports and emplacements of concrete. They are designed to resist wear and tear, being provided by an authority which, despite the miraculous immunity of ‘the wayside parks at Conisborough and Denaby, has no illusions about public spirit being a sufficient protection for public amenities.

On reflection one can understand the Old Denaby parishioners want of enthusiasm for this proffered gift. After all the seats are required not for residents of Old Denaby, but for those who take their walks in that pleasant and placid village, and one cannot expect those whose rural peace is already invaded by ramblers to get all worked up about an offer to make the invaders more comfortable.

From that point of view, however, the Conisborough Council’s offer is quite justified, for many Conisborough ratepayers walk in that direction, and the Mexborough Council would be equally justified in insisting on going halves! But the Mexborough Council appears to be completely dead to its duty and interest so far as Old Denaby is concerned. The place must be merged in one or other of its urban neighbours, for it is completely cut off from its parent administration.

It much prefers to join Mexborough, yet because it is not stiff with ready-made rateable value, the Mexborough Council apparently is indifferent to its fate, completely failing to realise its possibilities as a “lung” and suburb.

The Council’s attitude is the more surprising because of the built-up condition of the town there is no more cramped urban area in Yorkshire than Mexborough.