A Bad Tempered Denaby Footballer

November 1902

Mexborough and Swinton Times November 28, 1902

A Bad Tempered Denaby Footballer

At Doncaster on Monday, Walter Lindley, 115 March Gate, Doncaster, Carter, was charged with having used abusive language at Conisborough on the 22nd inst.

Charles Peters Richards, stationmaster, Conisborough, deposed that on the previous Saturday evening he was on duty. Instead of getting into the train, defendant stayed loitering on the platform, and it was not until witness had given the signal to the guard to start the train that defendant endeavoured to enter the train. Witness prevented defendant from getting in, and defendant said he had no ticket, but offered sixpence as fare. Witness refused the fare, and defendant said he was not going to wait on the – – – – platform until 11 o’clock. Witness ordered him off the station, when defendant drew back and attempted to strike witness. Witness called the attention of the two police officers were on the bridge, and asked them if they could get his name and address. Whilst the officers were coming defendant said they – – – – well wouldn’t take it. The police officers asked defendant for his name and address, when defendant assaulted them.

Lindley: It’s a lie.

Mr Whitfield for the defence, said defendant left Denaby to get to Conisborough, a distance of about a mile, which he covered in 10 minutes. On arriving at the station defendant attended 64 is fair, which was refused. This annoyed the defendant, and when he was endeavouring to get into the trade stationmaster pushed him down. Defendant denied using the abusive language, and also the assault on the police.

Defendant was sworn, and stated he was a member of the Denaby Football Club, and generally went home by that train after a match. He was rather excited at losing his train. After he had run 200 yards he waited for the police as he was certain they could not have caught him. He could not strike the officers when he had his thumb knocked up.

In answer to Mr Cliff, defendant said he always ran from Denaby, and is he was a mile runner and it kept him in practice.

For the abusive language defendant was fined 10s and costs, and for the assault on the police he was fined £1 and costs, amounting in the aggregate to £2 17s.