A Banned Word – Denaby Woman Says Its Rotten Hard Lines

October 1910

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 08 October 1910

A Banned Word

Denaby Woman Says Its Rotten Hard Lines

P.c. Needham had nearly finished his graphic story detailed the movements and the language of Mrs Mary Clarke, of Denaby on Thursday week, when that lady bustled into Court and took a place in the dock.

The charge against her was for using obscene language. The Superintendent ask why should not come to court earlier.

“I got the kids to attend to, and t’oul man,” she told him. “I don’t suppose please man would do that for me.”

The Chairman enquired if she was guilty of using the language quoted on her summons.

“Well‘ sir,” replied Mary, “I’ll admit I said `bastard, and if you can’t say that much in Denaby it’s rotten hard lines.”

P.c. Needham again enlightened the Court as to the naughty things Mary had been saying in Cliff View. The whole neighbourhood was roused.

Emma Rattigan swore that Clarke came to her door using terrible language. She followed witness about the place with pots and pans, threatening to do for her.

Supt. Hickes: How long has she been like this ? ” Three weeks,” replied Mrs. Rattigan, “and day in day out she keeps saying nasty things.”

“Now, _Mrs. Rattigan, speak the truth for once if you can,” shouted Clarke. “Haven’t you been telling the neighbours that my pretty little baby is the image of the lodger? It’s Mrs. Farrington yonder is the instigator of all this”

Mrs. Rattigan denied the accusation, whereupon defendant alleged that she and Mrs. Farrington had a houseful of weapons thrown at her. “The Bench can see the weapons if they come down to Denaby.” Said she.

The Chairman asked Clark what she went to other people’s doors for?

“I wanted to see what weapons they had for me,” retorted Mrs Clarke amid laughter. “I want you to bind over Mrs Rattigan and Mrs Farrington else I’ll be killed.”

In imposing a fine of a sovereign, the Chairman told Clarke she had been at Court before, and a record, which he did not care to read out, was not a good one. She would have to behave herself in future.

“Well, it’s off if I can’t say ‘bastard’; there must be new laws, boss,” thundered defendant, as he was hustled to a quiet corner of the Court