A’ Bogie’ Has Haunted Conisbrough Family

May 1956

South Yorkshire Times May 26, 1956

A’ Bogie’ Has Haunted Conisbrough Family

When Mr and Mrs Albert Walton, of 67, Lime Grove, Conisbrough, leave their home and fortnight’s time, they feel they will be saying “goodbye” to a “bogy” house.

The couple came to Conisbrough, from Dudley (Staffs) seven months ago.

Mr Dudley, a pig breeder for many years was first to be hit by the “bogy. ” In many years of pig breeding he has never lost a full litter of piglets, but after being at line Grove only a few weeks, all but one of a litter of 12 pigs died.

Mrs Dudley took the surviving piglet into her home and laid it on the bottle, but when it was too big to keep in the house it went back to the piggery of Doncaster Road, and after a few days it died.

Then when the gale of March 1 came theirs was the only house in the row of nearby 20 houses to be damage.

But the latest and most heartbreaking bet of bad luck came on whit Monday evening. Their two dogs, an Alsatian, “Rinty,” and a bull terrier, “Rex” had wandered off together into nearby fields and were shot. Mrs Walton believes they might have been strained near sheep and that was the reason they were shot. “Rex” was shot dead and “Rinty” had to be taken to Doncaster RSPCA dogs home and destroyed.

The Walton’s youngest daughter, 14-year-old June, was heartbroken when she learned that her Alsatian had been destroyed. “Rinty” belong to her and was her favourite. The family were expecting to leave lime Grove yesterday (Thursday), but have since learned that they have to give two more weeks further notice before they leave. They will be moving to Highfields Road, Conisbrough