A Careless Mine Driver

April 1913

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 07 April 1913

A Careless Mine Driver

At Doncaster West Riding Court on Saturday a case of carelessness in the Denaby pit led Frank Bell, jinner, Swinton, being summoned for breach special rule.

In consequence of defendant’s neglect 14 full tubs broke array down a jinney, and there was a smash at the bottom, but fortunately no one was hurt.

Mr. F. Allen, district coroner, said he had held an inquest on the defendant’s own brother, who was killed on the same owing to tubs breaking away a few weeks ago.

Defendant pleaded guilty, and Mr. Allen said they were bound to lay the facts before the Bench, though the case was not pressed and was not brought in a vindictive spirit, but to impress drivers that the rules must observed and that they had been framed for their own safety.

Defendant, who said was in hurry the time, and was forced to do it in order to get the places started, was fined 1s. and 11s. 6d. costs.