A Coal Shortage – Denaby Miners’ Home Supplies

April 1931

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 03 April 1931

A Coal Shortage.

Denaby Miners’ Home Supplies

There has been some dissatisfaction among the men at the Denaby and Cadeby Collieries this week over the non-delivery of their supplies of home coal which had been paid for in advance. There was no coal in the sidings on Friday and Saturday, and ever 500 loads which had been paid for could act be delivered.

A mass meeting of the men was held in the Denaby Welfare Institute on Monday morning, and was addressed by Mr. J. A. Hall, financial secretary of the Yorkshire Miners’ Association. The press were not admitted to this meeting, at which, it is understood, it was decided that a deputation should meet the management to dismiss the position.

In the meantime 115 loads of coal were delivered to the men on Monday, 130 loads on Tuesday, and although it was stated on Tuesday night that there would be no more coal on Wednesday, it was found possible yesterday to deliver about 90 loads.

Mr. Herbert Smith, President of the Yorkshire Miners’ Association, yesterday afternoon headed a deputation consisting of representatives of the Denaby and Cadeby miners which conferred with Mr. H. H. Hulley, the agent, for over two hours and was informed that it would be possible to deliver a further 140 or 150 loads today (Thursday). The greater part of the home coal paid for in advance will then have been delivered and the position will once more be normal.