A Dangerous Practice.

June 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 20 June 1902

A Dangerous Practice.

John Cooke, a Labour, of Conisbrough, was summoned for throwing stones, to the danger of the public on the highway at Edlington on 5 June.

PC Swales stated that on the date in question he was on duty on the highway at Edlington when he saw the defendant discharging stones from a catapult. There were two persons on the highway at the time.

Witness went up to him and spoke to him about discharging the stone, and he replied that it was the first time that he had used a catapult and he hoped that the witness would not report him and he would destroy the catapult.

Defendant, who did not appear, was ordered to pay 10/– including of costs.