A Denaby Engagement (picture)

November 1945

South Yorkshire Times November 24, 1945

A Denaby Engagement

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The engagement is announced this week of Sergt. Ronald Boot, only son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Boot, of Tickhill Square, Denaby Main, to Miss Doris Mary Enright, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Enright, of The Crescent, Hipper-holme, Yorks.

Sergt. Boot is attached to the West African Engineers and is now in his sixth year of service. He flew home from India a few weeks ago to spend a leave at home with his parents.

Prior to going to S.E.A.C. he spent nine months in Nigeria. He will be shortly returning by air to India to rejoin his regiment before they embark for West Africa.

His fiancée has been in the W.A.A.F. for the last four years, and recently returned from Belgium after seven months with a Fighter Group. She is due for demobilisation in the near future.