A Dishonest Lodger.

December 1889

Sheffield Independent – Tuesday 10 December 1889

A Dishonest Lodger.

Benjamin Wall, labourer of no fixed abode, was charged with stealing a pair of trousers, valued at 7s. 9d., belonging to Martin Coyn, 78, Doncaster road, on December 4th.

Prosecutor’ a wife stated that prisoner came to her house on the evening of December 3rd, and asked for lodgings, saying he was going to work at Denaby pit.

She let him have a bed for the sight, and the following morning he left the house. The trousers were missed at ten o’clock, and it was ascertained that prisoner had pawned the articles at the shop of Messrs. Simmons and Humphrey, Rotherham

Prisoner was committed for trial.