A Father’s Difficulty.

July 1892

Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 15th 1892

A Father’s Difficulty.

James Parker, miner, Denaby was summoned for not sending his child to school.

In defence, the father said his wife was dead, and he could not be at work and look after the children too. He had a daughter, aged 15, at home but the boy did not obey her. When he (the father) was at home the boy went to school, but he stayed away at other times. The mother had been dead two years and seven months, and had left him with six children.

The Chairman : You must make him go to school.

Defendant: I have thrashed him and sent him to bed at night.

The Chairman: If he does not go to school he must be sent to an industrial school.

Fined 5s. including costs.