A Fiendishly Cruel Pit Lad.

February 1889

Sheffield Independent – Tuesday 19 February 1889

A Fiendishly Cruel Pit Lad.

George Petty, pony driver, was charged with cruelty to a pony at Denaby Main Colliery, on January 25th.

Mr. Hickmott stated that the defendant was driving a pony, and for no reason whatever except mischief, he took a motty and string, and tied it in the pony’s mouth at the back of the jaw behind the teeth so tightly that the flesh was cut and swollen until the string was invisible.

During the afternoon the defendant guided the pony by means of the motty, which was hanging underneath the jaw. The string could not be out until the flesh was separated, and the pony was unable ‘to work for a week.

Defendant was sent to prison for one month’s hard labour.