A Fox Cub Collar

May 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 13 May 1932

A Fox Cub Collar

A strange story is reported this week. About 25 years ago Mr. Jack Cocksedge found a fox cub in the Cliffs. He decided to keep it as a pet and borrowed a collar from a man named Farnell.

For a long time it was taken about by Mr. Cocksedge and appeared quite domesticated, but one day it disappeared, and for nearly a quarter of a century nothing was heard of it.

Now it has been trapped and destroyed by named Wilkinson, who is a poultry-keeper. The animal was distinctly showing signs of “Anno Domini” and had lost much of its hair, though it retained a good brush. Round its neck was the collar placed there so many years ago.