Mexborough and Swinton Times December 1, 1899
A Smart Denaby Boy
George Cox, pony driver, was summoned for having committed a breach of rule 66, at the Denaby Colliery, on the 13th inst.
Mr Hickmott said rule 66 provides that every person in charge of a train of corves should use a backstay.
At 8 o’clock on the day in question defendant worked for about two hours without using a backstay. The use of a backstay was to avoid danger in the event of a coupling giving way.
Jessie Croft, a corporal at the man, went into the box to give evidence, but as the defendant pleaded guilty his testimony was not required.
The defendant: I shan’t have to pay’s days wages shall I? He does not work on Saturday’s.
The Chairman did not reply to this question, but Told the defendant he would be fined five shillings and 11s 6d costs.
Joseph Dufty, also pony driver, of Denaby, was summoned for having committed a breach of the same rule on 15 November.
The defendant appeared, and pleaded guilty.
He was fined five shillings and 11/6 costs