Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 11 July 1890
A Suspicious Character at Conisborough
George Hebden, a miner, was charged with being on enclosed premises for the purpose of committing a felony at Conisborough.
A Woman, name Sampson, said the prisoner called at her house begging, and she gave him nothing.
She afterwards saw the man go and examine the windows and doors at her son’s house. She went to see what he was after, and then be went behind a hedge and waited. She told him she would send a policeman if he was not off. It was Conisborough Feast.
Margaret Liversidge, domestic servant with Mr. Thomas Booth, Conisborough, said that last Tuesday evening, the prisoner came begging. He was looking about the offices and peeped in at the kitchen windows.
The prisoner said he was trying to get a job at haymaking. (Laughter.)
Committed to Wakefield for 14 days with hard Labour.