Mexborough & Swinton Times, April 16, 1897
Accident at Denaby Main
George Ryan’s, 14 years of age, a pony driver, met with an accident of a rather serious nature on Monday last, whilst following his occupation in the Denaby Main colliery.
He was engaged in what is known as the Montagu plane district, when, owing to a prop being caught with a run of coal, the prop, on being knocked out, hit the lad on the side of the head, rendering him unconscious for a considerable time.
For the position in which he was found it was a fortunate circumstance that he did not fall under the corves – as in that case, in all probability, he would have been killed on the spot. “First-aid” having been given at the pit, he was at once brought to the surface, and conveyed to his home at number 4, Clifton Street, where his injuries were attended to by Dr Gilchrist, the colliery Doctor for the eastern portion of Denaby Main.
The youth, we understand, though not yet out of danger, is progressing as satisfactorily as can be expected under the circumstances.