Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 28 May 1920
Accident Causes A Denaby Main Set Down.
The Denaby Main Colliery was set down yesterday, as a result of an accident to the winding gear of the No. 1 shaft, caused by the bursting of a cylinder.Accident Causes A Denaby Main Set Down.
As the No. 2 shaft is undergoing alteration, the No.shaft 1 has been utilised for carrying both, coal and men, and the breakdown involved serious dislocation.
It will be some considerable time before the repairs are completed and the shaft is in thorough working order again, though in the meantime an arrangement. is being made whereby work may be carried on with restricted engine power, allowing four tubs to be wound up the shaft at once instead of six.
It is hoped to obviate any unemployment. A re-commencement of work on the modified scale may be made to-day.