Mexborough & Swinton Times, February 2, 1907
The past week has been a noteworthy one in regard to the number of accidents.
Several local cases of accidents attended in two cases with almost serious resullts have occurred.
One of them is a lad named E. Parker, a pony driver at the Cadeby colliery, who, while engaged in his work was run into by some full corves running away from him, which severely crushed him.
Another case is that of G. Clark, engaged as a bricklayer on the new property which is being erected in Cliff View, who, whilst at work on the scaffolding, slipped and fell to the ground, a distance of 12 feet, causing a fracture of one of his legs, He was conveyed with all speed, to the hospital.
Another accident of a very serious nature happen to a miner named A. Webster employed at the number 2 pit of the Cadeby Main colliery, who met with his accident by a piece of coal falling on him and causing a fracture of the base of the skull. He was at once removed to the Fullerton hospital, where he lives in a precarious condition.