Accidents In Pit – One Killed and Two Hurt at Cadeby Main

October 1937

Leeds Mercury – Monday 18 October 1937

Accidents In Pit
One Killed and Two Hurt at Cadeby Main

Frederick Mee (44), Sheffield Road, Conlsborough, died shortly after admittance to Fullerton Hospital, Denaby, on Saturday, a result of injuries sustained at Cadeby Main Colliery.

Two further victims of accidents at the same colliery were admitted at almost the same time. They were:— Alfred Harry Hinton (30), Lyme Grove, Conisborough, who was detained with injuries to the head and back; and Thomas Dooney (19), Parkgate Avenue, Conanby, Conisborough, who sustained strained chest muscles and Injury to the right thumb.


Leeds Mercury – Wednesday 20 October 1937

Conisborough Man’s Death

Frederick Charles Mee (44), erector of Sheffield Road, Conisborough, was working on some scaffolding at Cadeby Main Colliery when the scaffolding suddenly gave way and he fell 40 feet to the ground, fracturing his spine.

At the inquest at Denaby yesterday, when a verdict Accidental death was returned, it was stated that the same type of scaffolding had been in use at the pit for similar work for 30 years without there having been the slightest mishap.