Achievements at Cadeby Main – Output Up 14,000 Tons

December 1951

South Yorkshire Times December 8, 1951

Achievements at Cadeby Main

Output Up 14,000 Tons

Despite a “declining face room” through which 200 yards of coal face have been lost, Cadeby Colliery’s output during the last year has been increased by 14,000 tons. This was largely due, said the manager, Mr. J. Ford, to the efforts of the Officials in the past year.

Mr. Ford was speaking at the fifth annual dinner at Swinton on Saturday of the Denaby and Cadeby joint branch of the National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers.

Of the new Government he said: “I don’t think that affects us a great deal now. With the progress that has been made in this country, I don’t think that at this stage a Tory Government dare interfere with them.”

On other topics his comments were:

Atomic heating in buildings: “A very important thing, very momentous, and I liken this to mention of the steam age.”

Accidents: “These are a nuisance to everybody and if we could once make the men realise that once  seriously injured they are on the scrapheap of the industry, we should have achieved something. However, these are on the downward trend, due entirely to the vigilance of officials underground. I would commend them to keep up that vigilance, especially with Christmas coming on, when there are a lot of accidents.”

Mr. Ford, in mentioning Cadeby’s own contribution to increased coal output, added that the whole division had sent out a million and a-half tons than the year before -“no mean achievement.”