Adulterated Gin – Conisbro Publican Fined

February 1912

Mexborough and Swinton Times February 3, 1912

Adulterated Gin

Conisbro’ Publican Fined

Herbert Ernest Taylor, landlord of the Hill Top Hotel, Conisborough was summoned for selling adulterated gin in December 19.

Mr Joseph Wilson said that on the date in question, as an officer under the Sale of food and Drugs Act, he called at the house and asked for half a pint of gin. According to the analyst report the sample and an alcoholic strength of 39.09, and an excess of 6% of water.

Mr F Allen said the defendant pleaded guilty, and what he said was that he had had the gin in stock a long time. It was all right when he put it in stock, but a certain amount evaporated. He had only sold 1 gallon of gin since September races, so they would see there was only a small sale.

Defendant was fined 30 shillings inclusive.