Advert – Zam-Buk – Take Care of Your Feet

September 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 26 September 1942

Take Care of Your Feet

Far too little attention is given to the feet ; in fact, most people scarcely give them a thought until pain, swelling and discomfort make their presence kit. It you’ve a lot of walking or standing at home or at work you’ll find wonderful comfort in Zam-Buk.

Try this easy treatment for a week. First bathe feet in warm water. After drying thoroughly, massage Zam-Buk Ointment into ankles, insteps, soles and between the toes. The fine medicinal oils in Zam-Buk are easily absorbed. It quickly allays pain and inflammation, soothes and heals soreness and chafing and puts your feet in better condition than ever before.
