Affray in a Train at Conisborough

September 1895

Mexborough and Swinton Times September 20, 1895

Affray in a Train at Conisborough

Robert and John Glossop, both of Manchester, were charged with travelling on the M.S.and L Railway from Doncaster to Conisborough without a ticket; and also with unlawfully wounding Martin Coyne and John Casey, miners, Denaby, in a railway carriage on Friday evening.

Detective Inspector Charles Shatwell, appeared for the M.S.and L Railway Company in support of the charges.

George Henry Carter, Porter, Conisborough, deposed that he was deputed to examine the tickets on the train, which was due at 11.25. When the train had arrived and had been standing in the platform for a minute or two he heard a woman shout out of the window, “Police, police.”

Witness immediately ran towards a compartment in which he found the prisoners fighting. Witness asked them for their tickets, and Robert Glossop gave up a third class ticket from Sheffield to Rotherham dated September 10, and the man John Glossop tended ticket of a similar day, but between Rotherham and Doncaster. Witness then demanded their fares, but both men refused to pay.

PC Jarvis been on duty on the platform, witness requested him to remove the prisoner from the carriage, and then they were taken to the Conisborough lock-up.

PC Jarvis and PC Evans corroborated.

Fined 20 shillings including costs or 10 days each in default of payment.

The second charge against Robert Glossop was then proceeded with. Martin Coyne, the prosecutor, deposed that on Friday evening he was returning from the races, and entered a compartment in which were Robert and John Glossop. Witness was accompanied by his wife and mother. After the train are been in motion about 10 minutes the prisoner commenced to use most vile and disgusting language. Witness requested him to desist, when the man got vexed and “went for” witness. He saw the witness a heavy blow on the top of the head with a “bright instrument,” the exact description of which the witness could not give. He also struck him with his closed fist. Nothing further happened.

Prisoner: Didn’t you me in the eye?

Witness: No.

Prisoner (pointing to his face): What are these marks then?

PC Jarvis gave evidence.

John Casey, miner, Denaby Main, said he was in the compartment, and saw the men begin to fight. He saw an instrument in prisoner’s hands, and heard Coyne say, “I am stabbed.” Witness rose from his seat and went towards prisoner to take the instrument from him, when John Glossop, who was sitting next to witness, struck him in the eye. He didn’t see Robert Glossop strike prosecutor.

In reply to prisoner, witness said he could not accurately defined instrument used by him. It was a shining weapon.

Prisoner asked the Bench whether the prosecutor could not take the bandages off his head so that the magistrates could come to an opinion as to how the wounds had been caused.

This Coyne did, and a great patch of broken flesh being revealed. Prosecutor obligingly stepped up to the dock and allowed the prisoner to inspect his handiwork.

Prisoner (scornfully): I see, well what is it? (Laughter)

The Chairman said it was a very bad assault. The prisoner had savagely assaulted the prosecutor without the slightest provocation. He would be sent to prison for one month with hard labour. Prisoner retired below muttering audibly, “It ought to have been him.” (Laughter)

John Glossop was then charged with assaulting John Casey. Complainant and PC Jarvis having giving evidence, the Chairman said this was not so serious an assault as the last.

Defendant would be fined 20 shillings and costs or 14 days.