Afraid of the Cadeby Mine – “A Smell of Sulphur and Gas.”

October 1912

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 12 October 1912

Afraid of the Cadeby Mine

 “A Smell of Sulphur and Gas.”

Mr. F. Allen appeared for the Denaby and Cadeby Colliery Company to prosecute several offenders who had committed breaches of colliery rules in the Cadeby pit.

The first defendant was Robert Jackson, and he was charged with a breach of rule number four. The exact nature of the offence, said Mr. Allen, that defendant wee on a “jenny,” and it was his duty to see that all the tubs were coupled before being allowed to go down the incline. Until he had made himself certain of the fact he should not take the lockers out of the wheels. This, however, he had done, with the result that out of sixteen tubs that were there, nine of them went down the incline.

When they reached the bottom there was a smash, and two of the tubs were broken. There was a man standing in the passage. and but for him having jumped on one side, he would have been killed.

The defendant pleaded guilty.

Fined 5/- and 7/6 costs.

The next case was that of Robinson Burton, a trafficker. Denaby, who was charged with a somewhat similar offence.

The defendant, said Mr. Allen, was lowering tubs down an incline, and neglected to see that they were all coupled. As soon as be took the lockers out the tubs ran away, with the result that four tubs were smashed, the wall knocked down, and work stopped for the whole of the day. It was a most serious offence.

James Wilton, a traffic manager, also corroborated. It was very dangerous, as there were a considerable number of men working near.

The defendant denied the offence. The coupling had by some means got undone.

Ordered to pay 20/- inclusive.

William Kinham, Henry Noble and Geo. Woodward, pony drivers, of Denaby, were charged with breaking special rule 106.

Mr. Allen said these offences occurred in the south district, near to where the late disaster took place, in the Cadeby Pit. Whilst the work was being carried on at thestoppings, one of the passages was blocked up, and the main way, which ordinarily was not used for travelling, had to be utilised. As soon as ventilation had been restored, they went to work in the old passage again.

The three defendants had complained that the passage was very hot and consequently unsafe. They left work without any warning being given.

The defendants complained that there was a smell of gas and sulphur.

Mr. Allen said he could assure the magistrates that there was nothing in what they had said. He had been down himself. A similar charge was preferred against Alfred Marsh, another Denaby pony driver. In this case two stalls were stopped working as a result of his action, and the men working there could not earn any money. The deputy had tried to persuade him to go back to work, but he would not. Ordered to pay 23/5 inclusive.