Aged Miner’s Death – Hastened by Accident – Fatal Fall in Denaby pit

January 1927

Mexborough and Swinton Times January 14, 1927

Aged Miner’s Death
Hastened by Accident
Fatal Fall in Denaby pit

An inquest was held at the Fullerton hospital Denaby on Monday into the death of William Hurst, aged about 75, a miner of 15 Dyson’s Place, Mexborough, who died in the Fullerton hospital in December 31, after being admitted into the hospital on December 20, suffering from a fractured rib, the result of a fall.

Elizabeth Ellor, a married woman, said she kept house for the deceased. He was employed at the Denver Colliery, went to work on the night shift at 9.10 on December 20. She visited him in the hospital. He told that he caught his foot and fell across the rails.

Benjamin Chambers, contractor, of  4 Meton View, Denaby, said that on December 20 as he was walking down Montagu plain in the Denaby pit about 20 yards in front of Hurst. He heard a fall, and, turning round, saw her’s lamp on the ground. He shouted, but received no answer. He called out again as he was going towards Hurst, who replied that he had fallen down. Witness lifted him into “42” manhole, and two or three minutes later David Hewitt came along and took charge of him.

Mr HM Scott, HM Inspector of mines asked the witnesses were sure it was “42” manhole, witness said he was. He was travelling on the left side of the road and the rope was not running. It was “dead on the pulley.” The road was about 12 feet wide and seven and 8 feet high. It was the usual travelling road, and was a double road.

Dr JJ Huey said he attended Hurst about 12 months ago, I was called to see a December 21 when you’re suffering from contusion on the left side and fractures of the seventh and eighth ribs. He was not suffering from shock. He gradually got worse until the time of his death. He suffered from bronchitis while in hospital. At the post-mortem examination found the bladder and the kidneys inflamed, and there were injuries to the ribs. In his opinion the man might have lived about three months longer, but there was little doubt that the accident hastened a natural death. It was surprising how the man got along considering the state he was in.

The jury retired 15 minutes, and on their return Mr A Berry, the former, said they could not come to a proper decision on account of the medical evidence.

The Coroner said that when a man was ill, and had an accident which caused death, that was “Accidental death.”

The foreman, on that, said they were fully satisfied. Without retiring, they returned a verdict of “Accidental death.”

Mr W Still, manager, on behalf of the Colliery Company, expressed sympathy with the relatives of the deceased. They have been trying to find out how long we have been in their employ; he had certainly been there for a long time, and they were extremely sorry to lose these all work meant.

Mr A Roberts on behalf of the Denaby branch of the Y.M.A., also expressed sympathy, as did Mr Berry on behalf of the jury.