Airman – Moore, Kenneth – Presumed Killed

February 1944

South Yorkshire Times, February 5th, 1944

Presumed Killed

Mrs. E. Crookes, of 17, New Hill, Conisborough, whose son, Sergt. Kenneth Moore R.A.F. has been missing since the night of June 23rd-24th last, has been informed that her son lost his life on the night in question.

Official German information says that the body was recovered from the shore on August 12th, but it contains no information regarding the place of his burial.

Before joining the R.A.F. in January 1941, Sergt. Moore was employed underground at Cadeby Colliery.  He did all his flying training in this country, and at the time of his death had been on operational duties for nine months and had been over enemy territory on more than 20 occasions.